

Links Capital's Perspectives | Preparing Your Business to Sell | January 2021

Preparing Your Business to Sell | January 2021

1 Page Template- Transaction Planning

When shareholders decide to sell their company, they must have a strong understanding of the transaction process and how their company should be positioned. This is a process that occurs over time working with experienced advisors. As a company evolves, it is important to understand how changes impact operations and more importantly what effect these changes will have on the valuation of the business. At Links, we address key areas shareholders should consider when evaluating and positioning a company for a monetization event while being cognizant that purchasers want to see the company continue to generate and grow earnings. Addressed in this newsletter are some select areas that shareholders should focus on.

Preparing Your Business to Sell | January 2021 Read More »

Links' List of Multiples and Buyers | December 2020

Links’ List of Multiples and Buyers | December 2020

In private equity transactions under $250 million, EBITDA enterprise valuation multiples fell to 6.7x from 7.4x EBITDA (-9.5%) last quarter. Total Debt to EBITDA multiples moved up to 3.7x (12%) compared to the previous quarter at 3.3x EBITDA, why and how this happened is worth discussing. Even though debt multiples increased quarter over quarter, senior debt multiples decreased slightly in the quarter by 0.1x while subordinated and mezzanine debt doubled from 0.5x to 1.0x EBITDA (GF Data).

Links’ List of Multiples and Buyers | December 2020 Read More »

Links Capital's Perspectives | Communicating with your Bank | October 2020

Communicating with your Bank | October 2020

Almost every business at one time or another enters into a banking relationship where they have a line of credit or some kind of term financing with banks. From a cost of capital perspective, debt is the least expensive capital that one can attain and should use appropriate amounts of leverage in running their business. Banks are an important partner in the growth of any successful business and must be treated that way.

Communicating with your Bank | October 2020 Read More »

Links' List of Multiples and Buyers | September 2020

Links’ List of Multiples and Buyers | September 2020

In transactions under $250 million, EBITDA valuation multiples remain unchanged at 7.4x EBITDA, as the average Total Debt to EBITDA ratio decreased from 3.9x to 3.3x in the quarter. With valuation multiples not changing, private equity buyers increased their equity participation to complete deals from 3.5x to 4.1x EBITDA, resulting in equity investment increasing over 56% of the transaction value (GF Data).

Links’ List of Multiples and Buyers | September 2020 Read More »

Links' List of Multiples and Buyers | June 2020

Links’ List of Multiples and Buyers | June 2020

In the first two months of Q1, 2020, deal activity was comparable to the previous quarter with TEV/EBITDA multiples maintaining values above the long-term historical average bolstered by higher than average Debt to EBITDA multiples. In March, when the COVID-19 pandemic began to impact the North American Market, all deal activity came to a screeching halt. Deals that were near being closed mayhave been completed, most other deals have hit the pause button waiting for more certainty.

Links’ List of Multiples and Buyers | June 2020 Read More »